Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Hey, Paul Here.

So we are now here to deal with *Drum Roll* GRAMMAR!

Speaking is one of the most effective way of expressing an idea, with that being said we need to use proper words in proper positions for us to be able to convey our message effectively,

Grammar is the rule that we follow to put our words in their respective position, it helps us to make our phrases clearer and right in a conversation.

Grammar itself is a broad topic, though we use speaking every time we are not aware about the grammar that we are using because we thought that there is only one Grammar but in reality there are different kinds of grammar that we can use in different situations.

Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar are the two most important type of grammar.


This world is about the universal gaming, we want something to fit in everything so grammar is giving you what you want, Universal Grammar it is,

Universal Grammar is consists of unconscious disciplines that let us decide whether a sentence is correctly formed or NAHH. in any given language,certain sentences are perceived as correct while others are not.

wait there's more

There is a general theory of the organization of natural language as developed by some linguists.This is a language based on the data and descriptions of many languages. it offers a platform for both theoretical linguists interested in representation and formalism and descriptive linguists interested in data and analysis.

Let's now this with some formal stuffs LOL 

Grammaticality is a feature by its own and should not be identified by acceptability and so its acceptability should be identified by its own meaning. like us, Grammar also wants to be accepted in this silly society so he mold himself and try to be acceptable.
Grammaticality is your guide whether a phrase is correct or just accepted.

Boy I'm telling you there is a big difference between being Correct and being Accepted. 

So that's it you Guys, I hope I helped you with your Grammar Stuffs
Hope to see you on my next one. Bye :)


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