Thursday, October 6, 2016

Phrasal Verbs

Patricia discussed Phrasal Verbs as a type of verb that is created when a main verb is combined with either: a verb, a preposition, or an adverb+ preposition. She gave us different hand-outs that we can use for us to be familiar with all the phrasal verbs that we can use when we are creating sentences.

1. Adverb

  • take off
  • give in
  • blow up
2. Preposition
  • get at (someone)
  • pick on (weaker children)
3. Adverb + Preposition 
  • get out of
  • put up with

Image result for phrasal verb

So that's it you Guys, I hope I helped you with your Grammar Stuffs
Hope to see you on my next one. Bye :)

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