Thursday, October 6, 2016

Adverbs and Advebials

An adverb is a word that is used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause, another adverb, or any other type of word or phrase with the exception of determiners and adjectives that directly modify nouns.

  • Adverbs can always be used to modify verbs. Notice that the second of these two sentences is much more interesting simply because it contains an adverb
  • Adverbs are often formed by adding the letters “-ly” to adjectives. This makes is very easy to identify adverbs in sentences. There are many exceptions to this rule; everywhere, nowhere, and upstairs are a few examples
  • An adverb can be used to modify an adjective and intensify the meaning it conveys
Example of Adverbs:

  1. She was walking rapidly.
  2. The kids love playing together in the sandbox.
  3. Please come inside now.
  4. His jokes are always very funny.
  5. You don’t really care, do you?
a word or phrase functioning like an adverb that modifies or tells us something about the sentence or the verb. 

So that's it you Guys, I hope I helped you with your Grammar Stuffs
Hope to see you on my next one. Bye :)

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