Saturday, August 6, 2016


The verb signals an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. Whether mental, physical, or mechanical, verbs always express activity and it is important in every sentence.
I have this stand and I strongly believe that no sentence can be formed without a single verb that's how important verb is for me.
There are different kinds of Verbs:
  • Physical verbs are action verbs. They describe physical actions. If you can create a motion with your body or use something to complete an action, the word you use to describe it is most likely a physical verb.
  • Mental verbs have meanings that are related to concepts such as discovering, understanding, thinking, or planning. In general, a mental verb refers to a cognitive state.
  • State of being verbs also known as linking verbs, describe conditions or situations that exist. State of being verbs are inactive since no action is being performed. These verbs are usually complemented by adjectives.
There are different Cases of Verbs
  1. Transitive Verb- An action that requires an object to complete its meaning.
  2. Intransitive Verb- Do not requires an object to complete its meaning
  3. Linking Verb- Connects the subject to the sentence.
  4. Dynamic Verb- Progressive action
  5. Stative Verb- contrast of the dynamic verb,it is the state of being
  6. Finite Verb- has subject and can function as the root of a clause
  7. Non-Finite Verb- verb that is not showing tenses
  8. Regular Verb- Are those whose past tense and past participles are formed by adding a -d or an -ed to the end of the verb
  9. Irregular Verb- Do not Follow the pattern of tenses.

So that's it you Guys, I hope I helped you with your Grammar Stuffs
Hope to see you on my next one. Bye :)

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